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To Superintendent Stilley and Board Members:

My team and I had a meeting with Mr. Genco on Thursday morning. We appreciated the opportunity to meet with him and share our survey results and some of our concerns about the Covid-19 safety measures for our schools.

It is my understanding that this information was shared with Ms. Stilley who is going ahead with the soft start on August 12 as planned. We, however, respectfully disagree with that decision to move forward with the plan. Our disagreement is based on our concern for the safety and health of our students, employees, families, and our communities.

We made a commitment to our members to share the collected data with you. Attached is the survey results with comments


To Superintendent Stilley and Board Members:

The following are questions and concerns that our members have expressed to us. From over 150 questions collected we have selected the top 12 for your consideration. You may or may not have been presented these already, but we find these to be extremely important to be considered before children arrive in the buildings.

  1. Are all classrooms and school areas of every school fully ventilated? Before schools open, will the school district obtain certification from a company that they are properly ventilated? Mold and dust accumulate on ceiling vents in offices and classrooms. Will the AC vents be cleaned to remove dust and mold and possible trapped Covid virus particles on a regular basis?
  2. Do all classrooms allow for proper safe social distancing? Are the classrooms big enough to accommodate 6ft? How are guidelines going to be handled for social distancing in hallways during transitions (For example- in hallways will tape be used to mark pathways and in classrooms will 6 feet areas be marked off as well.)
  3. Due to excessive and ongoing student abuse of bathroom facilities our school bathrooms have
School buildings cannot open for in-person instruction until the below conditions are met:
- Community transmission of COVID-19 is under control in the region;
- There is a public health infrastructure to support effective disease surveillance, tracing and isolation in schools;
- Staff who are at high risk have access to special accommodations;
- The district and school have funded safeguards and implemented protocols, including physical distancing, face coverings, access to hand-washing facilities, cleaning supplies, and updates to ventilation and;
- AFT members and leaders, families and community partners are included in the reopening planning process.


Louisiana Federation of Teachers has compiled the following resources to help inform members of their rights as schools begin to reopen in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic:

AFT Frequently Asked Questions Q & A

AFT Know Your Rights

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employee Rights

U.S. Dept. of Labor FFCRA Excerpt

U.S. Dept of Labor FFCRA Q&A


LFT has conducted a comprehensive survey to evaluate the concerns of educators and community members with regards to schools reopening later this summer. LFT received responses from nearly 15,000 teachers, support staff, parents, students and concerned community members regarding the reopening of schools. The survey was conducted electronically between June 30-July 10, 2020 and distributed widely through various online platforms.



LFT has partnered with our national affiliate, American Federation of Teachers to bring 30,000 masks to Louisiana teachers and school staff. These masks were donated to LFT by the United States Heartland China Association and the Wanxiang Group.
Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has plagued frontline workers throughout the pandemic, which is why LFT and our partners are making these free masks available to any member who needs one. Please contact your local affiliate to get your mask or learn about their individual distribution plan.